How GroupGolfer Works for You

1. On the day of your feature, you are the star. The focus of our subscribers will be on your business, increasing brand awareness and attracting valuable new customers. We work closely with you to tailor your deal to the needs of your business.
Your feature on will drive new customers to your door and the great experience they receive will keep them coming back.

2. Because you decide the minimum number of purchases required to activate the deal, subscribers become instant promoters of your brand. Using modern social media and old-fashioned word-of-mouth, each subscriber shares the deals with others, creating a "viral" buzz surrounding your business.
A great value combined with an actibe countdown instills a sense of urgency among our users that cannot be reproduced by any other means of advertising.

3. Once your feature is activated, your new customers will be able to print out their GroupGolfer voucher and start coming to your door. After your feature has ended, GroupGolfer writes you a check and sends it out to you as soon as the next day. Along with your immediate payment, we will provide you with all the information and tools you will need to track business generated by your feature on GroupGolfer. Because you'll know a GroupGolfer ahead of time, you and your staff will be prepared to add to your clientele by dazzling them with your beautiful course and spectacular service.
See the Difference for Yourself
Compared to traditional advertisment:

Traditional advertising costs businesses thousands of dollars and countless hours with no guarantee of a return on the investment. GroupGolfer guarantees valuable new customers and our service is completely risk-free with no out-of-pocket expenses. Best of all, GroupGolfer takes the work of advertising out of your hands so you can focus on what's important: Your new customers.
Compared to Tee Time Sites and Coupon Books:

Unlike tee-time sites and municipal coupon books, when your course or business is featured on GroupGolfer you are introduced to our subscribers as the only deal in town. You can rest assured that you won't be yet another name on a page.
With GroupGolfer, you only invest in the customers that are guaranteed to walk through your door. Let us introduce you to our subscribers for free and we'll pay you the very next day!
Have more questions? Please send them to us directly by email at
Contact Information
94 Macomb Place
Mount Clemens, MI 48043 - Call Us:
- P: (888) 889-8505
- Business Hours:
- Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM EST
- Email Us:
- General Questions:
- Get Featured:
- Media Inquiries:
- Job Opportunities:
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