The McScrambler
Today's feature is perfect for the person seeking out a great Michigan-made golf gift this holiday season. Made to soothe sore backs, ward off sprained wrists and keep the good earth out from underneath your fingernails, pick up The McScrambler, the ultimate ball-retrieving tool, for just $10! This $32 value includes shipping and only last 24 hours, so don't wait.
Every once in awhile you find a product that makes a routine, repetitive task easier and you've got to have it. Save your back and your time with The McScrambler from the McCorkle Golf Company of Caledonia, Michigan. Every golfer has been there before. Picture it: You're playing in a scramble, but you haven't made the best shot. Now what? Well, you're going to drive across two fairways and pick up that ball as quickly as possible.
Naturally, you'll probably try to swoop by and snag the ball with your bare hand, risking injury and dirt, then waste time as you have to circle around to have another go at it after you missed it the first time. And if you’re not the dare-devil type, you'll have to get out, bend all the way over and get back in the cart. With The McScrambler, you'll skip the aforementioned wasted time and embarrassment, and conveniently retrieve your ball quickly and effectively in a matter of seconds. Also, The McScrambler is a great friend to the broke-back putter: Take The McScrambler with you when you hit the green and you'll never bend over to get your ball out of the hole ever again!
Sooner or later we will all be there, so why not take advantage of it now? Available in five fashionable colors, you're sure to be the talk of the town during your next scramble. And don't forget — the holidays are just around the corner and The McScrambler a great golf gift that makes a wonderful addition to any golfer's arsenal.