The Eagle Claw: The Revolutionary Golf Grip Power Enhancer
If you can't grip it, you can't rip it — and that's where today's feature comes in "hand"-y: $20 for The Eagle Claw Golf Grip Power Enhancer and Glove ($50 Value. Includes Shipping!)
The Eagle Claw is a golf grip aid and device which assists with developing and maintaining grip strength and swing accuracy. Specially designed for those inflicted and affected by arthritis; lupus; sports injuries to the hand, fingers or thumb; and all disabling diseases or illness that affect grip strength and limit golfing ability.
- USGA Approved: Equipment permitted conditionally for medical reasons
- The patented Eagle Claw increases power and maximizes accuracy
- Decrease slicing and hooking of the ball
- Advanced engineered hand device worn in combination with golf glove for supporting and strengthening golfer’s grip
- Ideal for golfers with arthritic or injured hands
- Fits comfortably over any standard glove
- Locks and maintains grip pressure throughout the swing
- Enhances hand and wrist support without restricting movement